Consult our nutrition / GAPS consultant

If you want to know whether a product is suitable for your specific health needs, you may need to speak to Deb Gully, our Natural Health Therapist.

She offers an initial 10 min phone consultation free of charge.

If you would like ongoing support, her charges for phone consultations are:

  • $20 for 15 minutes
  • or if you want a short session each week (eg if you are working through GAPS) $70 paid in advance covers an hour in total.
Email or phone 04 934 6366 to make an appointment.

See her:

  • health website for more information on her other services
  • her nutrition website for general nutrition information
  • her exercise website for her classes in Spin Poi or gentle exercises for seniors and those who can't exercise standing, or for resources on exercise routines onl;ine